How to create an external account

To have access to the Enrollment form, you will have to create a CERN external account.

To do so, you have to :

  1. Create and activate your credentials following this process:
    1. Complete the online registration form (You must provide a valid e-mail address: it will become your login to access CERN applications, and we may use it to contact you in future.)
    2. Validate your account : once you have submitted the registration form, you will receive an e-mail with a randomly generated link to validate your account. This step allows us to verify that you really own this e-mail address. If you have not received the e-mail or if the validation link has expired, use the "Forgot your password?" link in the Operations menu.
    3. Set your password : by clicking on the validation link, you will be offered to choose your password. This will complete the registration of your account.
  2. Validate your access rights by sending an email to You will be informed when your  account is validated.